Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Out Of Shape

My heartstrings are still bent out of place
They're tied up in knots and were smashed with a mace
Old memories and scars leave a painful trace
Its seen by the weariness of my face
Times a great healer it seals all theholes
Takes away the pain of seeing those evil souls
I've been dragged off tentor hooks and scarring hot coals
By a soul, a light who's re-set my goals

Battered Torso

My lungs were filled with poison
My brain was clogged with lies
My muscles were slashed with depression
My heart was choked with chains
My eyes were dulled by false readings
My senses were frozen with charm
My energy was sapped by evil
My emotions were annihilated by love
My body and soul are healing
No longer tortured by the careless
A soul has caught me and digs in the claws
Its fixing the wounds and doesn't want to let go

Working Through

You're digging a tunnel
Not easy or painless
You have trouble finding the path to my heart
Dig it too quick
I may bleed a river
Dig deep enough so not to crawl your way free